Blacksmith Tools

Bowl Tong Bowls holding tongs.
The tongs made of special tool steel by forging and hardening it, to a specific result of Brittle together with flexibility. The tongs created for holding all kind of work pieces shapes, it fits to the exact work pieces written size. The tongs supplied with special lock catch for better material holding, it easygoing working over the anvil and with power hammer.
Parallel V - Tong  For side holding material but stay parallel as well, for all stock sizes .
The tongs made of special tool steel by forging and hardening it, to a specific result of Brittle together with flexibility. The tongs created for holding all kind of work pieces shapes, it fits to the exact work pieces written size. The tongs supplied with special lock catch for better material holding, it easygoing working over the anvil and with power hammer.
Angel (45) V - Tong  45 angel holding tongs, for all stock sizes.
The tongs made of special tool steel by forging and hardening it, to a specific result of Brittle together with flexibility. The tongs created for holding all kind of work pieces shapes, it fits to the exact work pieces written size. The tongs supplied with special lock catch for better material holding, it easygoing working over the anvil and with power hammer.